Team members:
Florian Lüthi
Semester Student
joins the quantum device lab for a semester thesis project.
Email: fluethi(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Lukas Heinzle
Semester Student
joins the quantum device lab for a semester thesis project.
Email: heinzlel(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Yulin Liu
Master Student
joins the quantum device lab for a master thesis project.
Email: nonjetaime(at)live(dot)fr
Michael Peterer
Master Student
joins the quantum device lab for a master thesis project.
Email: petererm(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Samuel Smith
Samuel studies architecture at ETH. He joins the quantum device lab for designing the new group room.
Markus Oppliger
Master Student
joins the quantum device lab for a master thesis project.
Email: markusoppliger(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Anna Stockklauser
Semester Student
joins the quantum device lab for a semester thesis project.
Email: stoanna(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Steffen Arnold
works on the new website of the team.
Email: arnoldst(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Raphael Barmettler
Master Student
joined the quantum device lab for a semester thesis project in Spring 2011 and is now working on his master thesis.
Email: raphaeba(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Janis Lütolf
Group Technician
joined the quantum device lab in December 2010. He did his education as physics laboratory assistant with Kistler Instrumente AG in Winterthur and also successfully completed his "Berufsmatura".
Phone: +41 4463 37134
Office: HPF D14
Email: jluetolf(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Samuel Häusler
Semester Student
joins the quantum device lab during the winter term for a semester thesis project.
Email: samuehae(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Kristinn Juliusson
Semester Student
joined our lab for a semester thesis project during the fall term 2010.
Email: kristinn1986(at)gmail(dot)com
Yves Salathé
Master Student
Yves is working on his master thesis since April 2011.
Email: ysalathe(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Marek Pechal
PhD Student
Marek is working on his PhD thesis. He previously joined the quantum device lab for a semester thesis project and his master thesis. Marek holds a bachelors degree from the Charles University in Prague.
Email: Marek(dot)Pechal(at)seznam(dot)cz
Tobias Thiele
PhD Student
Tobias studied physics at ETH Zurich. He did his master thesis in the group of Axel Kuhn in Oxford, GB, on trapping individual Rb-atoms in optical tweezers. He then moved on for an internship in Jeff Kimble's group at CalTech. He joined our group in October 2010 as a PhD student to examine the manipulation of Rydberg atoms with on-chip microwave cavities.
Phone: +41 4463 37296
Office: HPF D7
Email: tthiele(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Joonas Govenius
Master Student
joined the ETH Zurich physics department and started working in the lab in fall 2010. As a B.A. student at Princeton, Joonas previously worked with superconducting flux qubits whenever he was not rock climbing.
Email: joonas(dot)govenius(at)gmail(dot)com
Simon Berger
PhD Student
is a graduate student since spring 2010. Simon joined the group in 2009 for his masters thesis project on quantum geometric phases.
Phone: +41 4463 36426
Office: HPF D11
Email: sberger(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Samuel Miesch
Research Assistant
Samuel finished his Master in Physics in August 2010 and supports now Andreas Wallraff arranging a book in quantum physics. At the same time he takes lectures for the teaching diploma in physics.
Email: mieschs(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Jonas Mlynek
PhD Student
has joined our lab for his PhD in fall 2009. Previously, he obtained his physics degree from FU Berlin and worked on his diploma thesis at ENS Paris.
Phone: +41 4463 37296
Office: HPF D7
Email: mlynek(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Arjan van Loo
PhD Student
Arjan joined the lab in fall 2009 after concluding his MSc project on superconducting flux qubits in the Quantum Transport group at TUDelft.
Phone: +41 4463 36426
Office: HPF D11
Email: arjan(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Christopher Eichler
PhD Student
has graduated in physics from Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universitaet in Frankfurt and joined our lab in summer 2009 to pursue a PhD.
Phone: +41 4463 37124
Office: HPF D12
Email: eichlerc(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Matthias Baur
PhD Student
joined the group after having completed a masters degree in physics from ETH Zurich in September 2007.
Phone: +41 4463 32294
Office: HPF D7
Email: mabaur(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Emre Ilgünsatiroglu
PhD Student
obtained a master degree of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from ETH Zurich. Emre has worked on his master thesis in the Quantum Photonics Group of Atac Imamoglu and since autumn 2009 he is a joint PhD student of Atac Imamoglu and Andreas Wallraff.
Phone: +41 4463 34590
Office: HPT G14.2
Email: emrei(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Lars Steffen
PhD Student
joined the group after having completed a masters degree in physics from ETH Zurich in March 2008.
Phone: +41 4463 37192
Office: HPF D7
Email: lsteffen(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Tobias Frey
PhD Student
Tobias has been a semester thesis student in our lab during fall 2007. He has worked on his Masters thesis in the Nanophysics group of Klaus Ensslin at ETH.
Since in spring 2009 he is a joint PhD student with Klaus Ensslin and Andreas Wallraff.
Phone: +41 4463 32330
Office: HPF E11
Email: freytob(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Klaus Reim
Klaus received his PhD degree in physics from the University of Oxford (UK), where he carried out his research in Ian Walmsley's group. His PhD work was on optical quantum memories and light-matter interactions.
In September 2011 he joined Andreas Wallraff's group.
Email: reimk(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Phone: +41 44633 7124
Johannes Fink
joined the quantum device lab supported by a European Union Erasmus Fellowship. After receiving a masters degree from the University of Vienna in July 2007 he started his PhD thesis which he defended PhD in autumn 2010 and for which he was awarded an ETH Medal for his outstanding work. After a trip to South America from Nov. 2010 to Mar. 2011 he will will rejoin our lab as a PostDoc.
Phone: +41 4463 37134
Office: HPF D12
Email: jfink(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Christian Lang
PhD Student
Christian joined the group from the LMU Munich for doing his diploma thesis in our lab in 2008-2009. He graduated with a diploma degree in physics from the LMU Munich, Germany in Spring 2009. Since summer 2009 he is a ETH Zurich graduate student in physics working in our lab.
Phone: +41 4463 32294
Office: HPF D7
Email: clang(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Gabriel Puebla
PhD Student
joined the group after having completed a diploma in physics at the ETH Zurich in October 2006.
Phone: +41 4463 37124
Office: HPF D12
Email: gabriepu(at)student(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Abdufarrukh Abdumalikov
completed his PhD in the group of Alexey Ustinov at the University of Erlangen, Germany in 2004 and continued as a postdoctoral researcher until his move to Tsai's group at RIKEN, Japan in 2006. Farruh joined the quantum device lab in October 2010.
Phone: +41 4463 37134
Office: HPF D12
Email: abdumalikov(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Stefan Filipp
has joined the quantum device lab in January 2008. In May 2009 he has won an Erwin Schroedinger Fellowship of the FWF Austrian Science Fund. Stefan completed his PhD at the Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria in 2006 and continued as a postdoctoral fellow until his move to ETH Zurich.
Phone: +41 4463 36426
Office: HPF D11
Email: filipp(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Arkady Fedorov
received his PhD in 2005 from Clarkson University, US. In 2006 he joined the group of Gerd Schoen at the University of Karlsruhe as a postdoc working on a theory of superconducting qubits. In 2007 he transferred to TU Delft, working with Hans Mooij and his group on conducted experiments with the flux qubit. He is a member of the Quantum Device Lab since March 2010.
Phone: +41 4463 36426
Office: HPF D11
Email: fedoroar(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Andreas Wallraff
Principal Investigator
started the Quantum Device Lab at ETH Zurich on January 1, 2006
coming from Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Phone: +41 4463 37563
Office: HPF D8/9
Email: andreas(dot)wallraff(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Francesca Bay
Scientific Project Manager
has joined the group in March 2010. Francesca obtained her PhD from the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zurich in 2002 and worked then in several scientific and administrative positions.
Phone: +41 4463 37037
Office: HPF D8
Email: fbay(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Gabriela Strahm
Group Secretary
has worked in various positions at ETH since 1997
Phone: +41 4463 32335
Office: HPF F7
Email: strahm(at)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch
Hans Rudolf Aeschbach
Group Technician
has more than 30 years of experience working in the physics department at ETH Zurich. Since 2008 he is retired but continues to support the activities of the lab on a part time basis.
Phone: +41 4463 32264
Office: HPF D17
Email: aeschbach(at)solid(dot)phys(dot)ethz(dot)ch