Our group offers a wide range of opportunities for
- Semester Thesis Students / Summer Students
- 3-4 positions per term [apply early]
- Bachelor/Masters Thesis Students
- 2-3 positions per term [apply early]
- Doctoral Researchers
- 1 position: PhD investigating the Collective Interaction of Small Ensembles of Superconducting Qubits with Microwave Frequency Radiation. For more information see here...
- Postdoctoral Researchers
- excellent candidates are encouraged to apply throughout the year
in different areas of research.
We are looking for students and postdocs that are interested in mesoscopic solid state physics, low temperature physics, atomic physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science.
If you are a more experienced applicant (PhD, PostDoc) we value experience in one or more of the following areas
- micro and nano science: clean room techniques, photo- and electron-beam lithography, deposition of metals and dielectrics, lift-off and etching techniques
- low temperature physics and techniques: construction of low temperature experimental setups, operation of cryogenic systems (4He, 3He, 3He/4He dilution refrigerators), wiring across large temperature gradients
- microwave frequency electronics and instrumentation: network analysis, microwave sources and detection, up- and down- conversion using mixers
- digital electronics: field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and their control
- analog electronics: low noise current sources and voltage amplifiers, bias electronics, filtering
- data acquisition and measurement automation: control of fast DACs and ADCs, LabView
Semester Theses / Summer Research Projects
Each semester (and also in between semesters) a number of opportunities to perform independent research work in our lab are available to students from ETH. The projects are open to BSc and MSc students in Physics, Interdisciplinary Sciences, Micro and Nano Science and other fields. The research project is typically done for 4 weeks full time or for two days each week for 14 weeks.
It includes hands on research work in our labs that is supervised by experinced graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The work includes writing a report and doing a presentation on your research in our group seminar.
Bachelor/Masters Theses
Bachelor and Masters thesis projects are available throughout the year. Typically they last from 4-6 months depending on the degree program.
There are also opportunities for external students to do their diploma/masters thesis at ETH, if their home university has an accredited exchange program with ETH Zurich or if a specific arrangement has been made.
Doctoral Research
To apply for a PhD position please send an email including your detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of your research interests, with a short description of your scientific and academic background, motivation and skills (maximum 2 pages), a list of publications, and the names of three references to andreas.wallraff@phys.ethz.ch. Please arrange for one letter of reference to be sent directly by email to the above address.
Postdoctoral ResearchPostdoctoral Associate Position in
Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral associate interested in the fields of quantum information processing and cavity quantum electrodynamics with superconducting circuits. Ideally, the candidate has a strong background and interest in one or more of the following: quantum information processing and its implementations (e.g. ion traps, NMR, superconducting circuits, quantum dots), experimental quantum optics and atomic physics (e.g. cavity quantum electrodynamics), device fabrication (e.g. clean room techniques, photo and electron-beam lithography, deposition of metals and dielectrics), mesoscopic solid state physics, low temperature physics, transport measurements at dilution refrigerator temperatures, microwave electronics and instrumentation. The position is planned become available starting April '09 (dependent on external funding).
The successful candidate will have the unique opportunity to contribute to state of the art research conducted at the intersections of the fields of atomic physics, solid state physics, quantum optics and quantum information science.
To apply for the position please send an email containing your curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research interests, including a short description of your background, motivation and skills (2 pages), and the names of three references to andreas.wallraff@phys.ethz.ch. Please also arrange for one letter of reference to be sent directly by email to the above address. The position is available immediately. Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Additional information can be found on the Quantum Device Lab web pages
How to learn more
Further information on our work can be found on this web site. For additional information you may contact me directly.